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Dominant Prairie grass that once covered vast areas of the midwest. Upright clumps of stems with flattened blades emerge grey to blue-green in spring, maturing to green with red tinges in summer, then turning a vibrant reddish bronze with lavender tones in autumn til frost

Flowering stems rise well above the foliage clump in late summer, bearing purplish 3-parted finger-like flowering clusters, resembling a turkey foot

Flowering stems bring total height up to 8ft tall

Tolerant to a wide range of soils, but might flop if soil is too moist

Grows best in dry to medium soil

Blooms in full sun Aug-Nov

Attracts birds

Great for mass plantings, erosion control, or add impressive height & structure to the garden

Sold in 2x3 inch pots & 38 plug trays

Andropogon Gerardii - Big bluestem

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